hedi drescht

Home between song duo and yodeling

What is home? A simple question at first glance. And there are many simple, even banal answers to it. Folk music and its rich treasure trove of Swiss yodel songs, for example, have thousands of answers at the ready: home is a mountain landscape, home is faith, home is a village community and extended family, a traditional costume society and yodel music. Home is the sweetheart: the first love you spend your whole life with in a monogamous heterosexual relationship. Home is the Heimetli and has been in the family for centuries. Home is a rural idyll, a kind of conservative Christian utopia, and home has nothing to do with the big wide world and its problems: Because home is first and foremost idyllic. hedi drescht is not satisfied with these answers.

For their program “hedi drescht”, Simone Felber and Lukas V. Gernet have written new songs that describe their homeland. Sometimes melancholic, sometimes critical, sometimes airy and light, the two musicians move in their own genre between song duo and yodel song.

Simone Felber - Voice, Lukas Gernet - Piano